Mission: Animal Guardians Horse Rescue, Inc. provides sanctuary to local senior horses in need, while connecting our southern California community through service and purpose. We are a 501(c)3 Public Nonprofit Charity Organization for Equine Welfare. We are a member of The Homes For Horses Coalition, The Humane Society of the United States Safe Stalls Network, the ASPCA Horse Action Team, the United Horse Coalition, and Adoptions Partners with the Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Bernadino, and Riverside County Departments of Animal Services / Animal Care and Control agencies. We are 100% nonprofit, operating solely on volunteerism and donor support. We are recruiting Board Members and Advisory Board Members for 2025. We run 3 programs currently; a direct horse care / natural horsemanship rehabilitation/retraining program, an Equine Assisted Learning “Horse Powered Reading” experiential learning literacy program for youth, and a community educational outreach program. We are looking for dedicated, compassionate, and driven Board Members to serve an annual term to move our programs forward and build our member supporter and donor base.
Animal Guardians Horse Rescue, Inc.
Civic, Environmental, Conservation & Wildlife/Animals
Contact Information
Deborah Greene-Dellvon
Simi Valley, CA
Committee Needs / Areas of Expertise Desired
Accounting & Finance, Community Outreach, Entrepreneurship, Event Management, Fundraising / Development, Human Resources, IT & Technology, Marketing / Communications / Advertising, Public Relations
Detailed Information
Is there an annual minimum give ($)?