The Top 8 Board Duties to Help Improve Nonprofit Outcomes

Key insights Nonprofit boards have ultimate legal responsibility and authority for the organization, but board effectiveness and conduct may vary widely. To be successful, nonprofits should practice strong governance and management. For boards, that means understanding their fiduciary duty, risk mitigation, and mission framework. Nonprofit boards also have roles in finding capable leadership teams and […]

Your Top 7 Board Development & Engagement Tips

Board Engagement Tips

Why is this important? An engaged board is an essential component of a thriving and impactful mission-driven organization. Consider incorporating some of the tactics below into the Board Development part of your strategic plan — this way you can map out what to tackle near-term vs. Y2 or Y3. TIP #1: Reflect on Your Overall Strategic […]

Webinar: Smart Spending: Financial Management for Nonprofits

Smart Spending - Nonprofit Financial Management

Like their for-profit counterparts, nonprofit organizations carry a huge responsibility managing their assets and finances. A healthy and well-practiced financial management program benefits not just the nonprofit organization itself, but also the communities they serve. In this panel, we will deep-dive on how nonprofits can improve their current financial management strategies with some industry experts.

Podcast: Transitioning from Private Sector to Nonprofit Accounting & Finance Roles

The Balance Understanding Nonprofit Finance

The Balance For many people working in corporate finance and accounting positions, transitioning to the nonprofit sector may seem like a magical opportunity — passionate co-workers coming together to save the world…what could be better? The truth is that nonprofit work isn’t for everyone, and presents its own unique set of challenges. On today’s episode, […]