Jenna is a strategic generalist, always adding to her toolbox and learning from her peers.
Interested in:
Arts, Culture and Humanities Organizations, Civic, Environmental, Conservation & Wildlife/Animals, Climate Justice/Equity, Entrepreneurship, Food Insecurity, Homelessness, Human rights, development and NGO’s, LGBTQA+ rights, Mental Health and Wellness, Social Welfare & Health and Human Services Organizations, Women and Girl Rights and Empowerment, Youth Development and Advocacy
Areas of expertise:
Community Outreach, Diversity/Equity/Inclusion, Entrepreneurship, Marketing / Communications / Advertising, Other Areas of Expertise

Detailed Information
Jenna Firshein is a Boston-based strategist with over 15 years of experience in corporate retail, non-profits, digital agencies, and community work. Jenna is known for her holistic approach to strategic operations and her ability to create cohesive environments that are well-equipped to serve any business.

Jenna prides herself on her empathy, stability, understanding, and creativity, which enable her to connect the dots between the creative and analytical aspects of her work. She has a deep passion for diving into data and leveraging insights to inform strategic decision-making.

With her diverse skill set, strategic mindset, and creative flair, Jenna Firshein is a dynamic professional who brings a wealth of experience and passion to her role as a strategist.