CenterLink is an international association that exists to strengthen, support, and connect LGBTQ community centers.
Since opening our national office in Washington, DC, and hiring our first staff in 2004, CenterLink has greatly enhanced its visibility with LGBTQ community centers and laid the foundation to make ongoing support and technical assistance available. We continue to intensify our efforts to build sustainable LGBTQ community centers to ensure that LGBTQ people have access to, and benefit from, identity-affirming and lifesaving services and programs.
CenterLink is committed to providing those services that better target and more effectively meet the capacity-building needs of LGBTQ community centers. To that end, the organization has focused its work in the following areas:
• Leadership development for community center executive directors and board leaders
• Expanding the organizational capacity of community centers by helping to increase their level of professionalism
• Building advocacy capacity by helping centers to become more effective and powerful voices for meeting the needs of their grassroots LGBTQ communities through our Center Action Network
• Building a network of youth centers and community center youth programs that provide training, technical assistance, and networking opportunities
• One-to-one technical assistance, advice, and support for individuals at centers and those looking to create a center.