Arts, Culture and Humanities Organizations, Education, Education - Independent Schools and Other Education, Women and Girl Rights and Empowerment, Youth Development and Advocacy, Other Areas of Focus
Contact Information
Committee Needs / Areas of Expertise Desired
Accounting & Finance, Fundraising / Development, Marketing / Communications / Advertising
Detailed Information

Exchange for Change, a nonprofit that teaches writing in carceral settings,  changes lives. As a board member, you will have a unique opportunity to be part of a system that gives voice to the voiceless, addresses the inadequacies of our criminal justice system and be engaged in conversations aimed at whittling down mass incarceration. We are specifically interested in someone with experience in financing, fundraising and marketing, but also interested in anyone who has been justice impacted and represents the population we serve.

Is there an annual minimum give ($)?
No, we ask only that E4C be in the top three of your annual donations